I’m so honored and excited to have three poems published in Paper Cranes Literary! The literary magazine was established this year in May. Isabel Gan, Editor in Chief, has done a fantastic job of curating powerful pieces and artwork. There are beautiful illustrations paired with poetry and prose in both the digital and print editions. Many of the pieces can also be viewed as videos recorded by the writers, including my poems.
The theme of Issue 2 was scintilla, a tiny trace or spark of a specified quality or feeling. Here’s more about my poems that were published in the magazine:
In “a diagnosis VII”, I describe a breast cancer scare I had earlier this year. Everything came back benign, thank goodness. The poem shows how little we know what goes on in our vast bodies, how much is left up to rituals and superstitions.

I’m so touched by what Isabel wrote in her editor’s note:

“a diagnosis VI” is a sort of ode to my body, defining what dysplasis really means, unearthing chronic pain and the various maladies caused by skeletal dysplasia.

“Catalog of gratitude” is a list of reasons why I’m weird, according to my sister. I’m a weirdo, and I fully own my weirdness. While these are specific to me, my hope with this poem was that everyone can appreciate the idiosyncratic quirks that make us up.

Congratulations to all the writers and artists published in this issue! Check out the digital and print editions.
Paper Cranes Literary is also having a cover art contest for its third issue. The theme is reflection. Read the submission guidelines.
Thanks for reading.